Intuitive functionality


Simplify your day

  • Save time and avoid manual errors with our custom templates and automated document generator

  • Securely store, share, send and receive your documents on a single cloud-based platform.

  • Consolidation of Corporate information on one platform.

Stay compliant and secure

  • Onboard your clients and collect KYC information efficiently and securely.

  • Never miss a filing or reporting deadline again with our automated reminders.

  • Rely on the Console as the single source of truth through our integrations with government authorities.

  • Digitise the end-to-end flow with BlueMeg Sign, our proprietary, industry-leading digital signing solution.

secure console

Collaborate securely and efficiently on the cloud

  • Stop wasting time managing multiple databases – consolidate it all on the Console.

  • Allow your team, clients and other stakeholders to access the Console – the single source of truth.

  • Initiate, track and complete corporate actions with clients on the Console.

  • Protect and secure your clients’ data with our best-in-class, easy-to-manage access and permission settings.

See how BlueMeg works

BlueMeg’s features are practical and easy to use. Take a guided tour of our Console now.

Why clients choose BlueMeg

We are pleased to be working with JP Koolmees and the BlueMeg team. Our shared common vision to digitalize corporate services will make processes easier for our staff and our clients. We are impressed with BlueMeg's technology and will incorporate their innovations into our own client portal.

Lennard Yong

Tricor Group CEO

Lennard Yong

Tricor Group CEO

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Schedule a Free Trial

Reach out to BlueMeg’s team for advice on products, services, pricing, and technical issues.